The Guru is Shifting

Jupiter, known in Vedic astrology as the Guru, a planet representing wisdom, knowledge, spirituality and finances, has transitioned out of Aries and into Taurus.

While he is still gaining strength in his new home for the next year, we already might have felt the changes in affairs pertaining to finances, family relations and partnerships. Very likely, these changes might have showed up in a form of an ask to let go, empty out and release. Has anything come up in the last few weeks that is fitting into this description? It certainly has for me! Want to know what else to expect from this transit? If so, read on.

The reason why this transit is so important and meaningful is two-fold. First of all, this is one of the longer transits in the sky, with Jupiter remaining in his new home until May 2025. Because of the longer time spent focusing on one corresponding area of our lives, we tend to feel longer transits more acutely.

Secondly, Jupiter is a teacher, responsible for ensuring that we are living our soul’s purpose, and dishing out lessons when we are not (albeit not as harshly as our other karmic teachers, Saturn and Ketu). In other words, Jupiter in Taurus can be a great ally in transitioning to the next level in a kind, loving way. But our ability to achieve a positive outcome will directly be tied to our willingness to open up and do the necessary work during this cycle.

Jupiter’s energy is expansive and generous, and combined with luxurious and earthly inclinations of Taurus, this is a wonderful transit that will bring growth and material expansion in all areas where this energy is present. Of course, the specifics will depend on our individual natal charts and planetary placements at the time of our birth, which are all unique. But rest assured, the next 12 months will present lots of opportunities for growth and realignment with our divine purpose. Again, only if our hearts are open enough to recognize them and only if we are not scared of the work that lies ahead.

Despite Jupiter’s transit in Taurus being possibly one of the best transits out there, there are still potential negative ways how it may play out. In other words, this year can be about delightful expansion, when our relationship with both natal and transit Jupiter is in harmony, or painful enlargement, when it is not. Either way, something will be expanding, whether it will be income, luxuries and abundance OR expenses, conflicts and weight gain – is up to us.

Even if we are not looking to actively grow (there are those times too, and its ok), but know how to best ‘sweeten’ our relationship with Jupiter’s energy, this transit will definitely have the potential to go much smoother and more harmoniously. I share some of the methods below, but go into much greater detail in my one-on-one sessions, as well as my flagship course “Astro Week.”

While we cannot change the position of our natal Jupiter (karma), we do always have an influence over our Jupiter in transit; our individual behaviors, reactions to arising situations and inner motivations being the determining factors. How we act during this transit will not only dictate the results of the next 12 months, but will also sow karmic seeds for the future years and even lifetimes.

Since Jupiter concerns himself with the issues of morality and ethics, the below behaviors are rewarded:

  • gratefulness,

  • good judgement,

  • loyalty,

  • faithfulness,

  • respectful communications and actions,

  • spirituality,

  • conscious upbringing of our children,

  • orderly financial affairs,

  • agility in exchanging opinions and ability to see another’s perspective,

  • charitable, unconditional giving.

Jupiter’s rewards come in a form of financial abundance, harmonious relationships within our family and access to wise mentors and guides, who teach us how to make our lives and those around us even better. More importantly, a person with good Jupiter has a very good understanding of morality and cause-and-effect rule, adhering to the principle of ‘what I plant today will sprout and give fruit tomorrow.’

What Jupiter doesn’t tolerate, and it is guaranteed to show up in a form of financial troubles, is criticism and judgement of anybody, including ourselves, but especially our partners, leadership and governments. When Jupiter’s energy is out of balance, a person might think that everything is really expensive, and will be hesitant to share anything with the rest of the world, including money, time and knowledge. There will always be a sense of lack and a heavy veil of illusionary perspective that ‘I know it all.’

If you delay doing charitable contributions or feel that having children would be more suitable when the times are better – you might want to explore your relationship with this planet a bit more closely. But don’t take my word for it, see for yourself – once you start working in this direction, your money is sure to give you positive feedback shortly afterwards.

So, having said all of this, what can we do during this transit that would help us learn our lessons in the gentlest, most loving way? I would definitely recommend starting with the inventory of all charitable donations that we are making; and see where we can either increase amounts or maybe explore additional avenues for giving. Additionally, Taurus is an earthly sign that likes luxury and represents financial accumulation in abstract horoscope. This is why it is also a wonderful time for investments into something tangible, especially precious jewelry, home remodeling, commodities such as gold and silver, etc.

To sum up, there is an expansion of material world success coming, but only if we make space for it. What do we need to let go of right now, in order to welcome that next level into our reality? What thinking patterns need to go, so that we may honor our divine purpose boldly and unapologetically? Where are we being greedy with a resource that is available to us but we are not willing to share with others? What can we do to clear thinking programs that are based on lack and fear? And finally, how can we upgrade our actions and choices today in order to get new, more life supporting results tomorrow?

My this Jupiter bring us all nothing but the most positive transformations, but, arguably, all transformations are always positive. It’s just a matter of perspective 😉



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