April - May Astro Transits
Now, that the corridor of eclipses is behind us, the spring energy is shifting and most areas will start feeling lighter and brighter, especially if we managed to release and let go of things that no longer served us during this last period of cleansing.
With Sun entering his own sign of Aries on April 13th, where he will remain until May 14th, we are going to feel an increased amount of energy to accomplish everything we set our minds to. Especially when it comes to finances and financial goals. But only if we honor and adhere to the laws of karma and balance, understanding that what goes around – comes back around. So share and give back to the world generously, especially your smile and positivity. Shine bright not only for yourself, but also for others.
Venus is exalting in Pisces until April 24th, bringing about the feeling of dreamy love and bouts of inspired creativity. It’s this time of the year, when love happens all around, with nature waking up from its winter slumber, spreading butterflies in our tummies. Right now is an excellent time to take up that project, spend time on your favorite hobby, dance, sing, create, get inspired. Walks in nature are especially healing and are vibrating with this love energy. Observe it, honor it, soak it in.
Mars continues his journey through Aquarius, alongside Saturn, until April 22d. This has been a rather heavy, destructive combination; and it will not ease much, when Mars enters a sign of his debilitation, Pisces, until the beginning of June. Best thing to do in April and May is to faithfully allow this energy to pass through ecologically, so that it doesn’t grow into conflicts, disease and/or trauma. In other words, EXERCISE, EXERCISE, EXERCISE!! Once Mars is in Pisces, we might want to come up with gazillions of excuses why we shouldn’t work out or how the schedule doesn’t align, or how there is no time, but we must remain diligent. This is a test.
Possibly, the best news of this spring, besides Venus in Pisces, is Jupiter entering Taurus on May 1, where he will remain for a whole year, bringing the energy of abundance, luxury and comfort, especially if Jupiter is strong in one’s natal chart. Big transits, like this one, are worthy of their own post, so stay tuned!
Saturn continues his transit through his own sign of Aquarius, where he is tiding up and making sure that we stay true to our paths and working earnestly to share our talents with the world; dishing out lessons if/when we are not.
Mercury just entered the sign of Pisces, an unfriendly territory for this bubbly energy as is; plus half the time here will be spent in retrograde. Mercury, responsible for communications, technologies, negotiations, sales cycles and financial transactions, feels annoyed that things are not moving as fast as he wants them to. Additionally, influenced by the dark, illusory energy of Rahu, who is also hanging out in this constellation, words might be said, that we don’t mean and/or the temptation to lie, cheat, conceal, ‘decorate’ the truth, etc, might surface, putting a strain on both professional and personal relationships. Needless to say, don’t give in 🙂 and be patient! This too shall pass and this too is a test.
Last, but not least, Rahu & Ketu continue their transits through Pisces and Virgo respectively, asking us to zoom out, open our hearts, see the bigger picture and not get bogged down with the details. We are about 6 months into this transit, with another year to go, making this one of the longer and more meaningful transits. Of course, the placement of these shadow nodes in your natal chart will dictate the area, where their teachings will occur. But a general question that everyone can ask themselves right now is: “Where am I settling or resisting transformation?” Carefully listen and allow your inner wisdom to guide you, knowing that you have full support of your ancestors, who always want you to succeed, regardless of what your relationship looks like (or might have looked like) on Earth.
As you can see in the chart below, majority of energy is gathered in Aquarius, Pisces and Aries. If any of these signs are your Rising or Moon Signs, then the current transits are taking place in the ‘head’ of your chart and will impact you stronger than the rest of the people.
Chart generated for April 15th over Leesburg VA.
If you need extra clarity, support and/or understanding of how these transits might be impacting you directly and how to best harmonize them, I offer individual consultations. You can find more details on my Services page. ***Be advised, the pricing increases with the launch of the new website, that has been in development since December and is almost ready.
Talk soon and enjoy your spring!