Corridor of Eclipses

As we find ourselves right past the middle of the spring corridor of eclipses, most of us probably have already felt the emotional roller coaster to a certain degree that usually accompanies this demanding two-week astro period. Full Solar Eclipse is expected to occur on April 8th, which will close out this year’s spring corridor, with aftershocks still rippling for a few days afterwards. Hang tight! We are more than half-way there!

Sometimes, corridor of eclipses brings about situations or people, often from the past, that are meant to test us and our level of self-awareness. A clear tell-tell sign that you are being tested is when something unpleasant or challenging comes up, for example, friction at work (being fired, dealing with a mean boss/co-worker/client, etc.), money issues, souring relationships, illness, accident or any other kind of difficulty that doesn’t feel ‘good.’

Uncomfortable situations are designed so that a person wouldn’t complacently stay in them for too long. The harder the pressure – the more motivation one feels to end it. When we have the right amount of motivation to no longer settle for status quo, we tend to change our thinking patterns, which in turn changes the external reality, letting the Universe know that we have successfully passed this lesson. Or we turn our attention further away from the issue and go deeper into degradation. The choice is ours and corridors of eclipses are here to force us make it.

Despite the tension that comes along with corridors of eclipses (and they usually happen twice a year), these fateful ‘check ins’ are extremely important to our personal growth and evolution of our soul. Very much like the formation of a diamond, it is through friction that most of us learn to develop and grow as a personality.

A few things to note around these cycles:

  • The more we refuse to follow our life’s calling, the harsher the tests and lessons are. While this is always true, corridor of eclipses accentuates this rule.

  • Taking a moment before reacting is EVERYTHING. Taking a pause and considering another perspective sometimes can mean the difference between a conflict and a burnt bridge or a lesson successfully learnt.

  • It’s best not to observe the eclipses directly or wear a head covering, if you must be outside that day. According to Vedic astrology, the energy of the planet that is being eclipsed weakens with the shadow of an eclipse. And when we watch it happening, it’s as if we are absorbing the shadows, which dim our inner light and energy.

  • Cleaning out stagnant spaces is the best way to focus one’s energy during the corridor of eclipses. Resetting our bodies, cleaning out homes and closets, removing anything that no longer serves us, including information from our phones and news sources. Great time for spring cleaning.

  • IMPORTANT: It is recommended to avoid making life-altering decisions until after the corridor closes. Do address whatever is incoming, but this is not a good time to actively change careers, homes, looks, partners, etc.

So yeah, while corridors of eclipses can bring about lots of heavy emotions and confusing uncertainties, they can also help us become the best possible version of ourselves that we can be, if we choose the path towards self-discovery and follow our life’s calling. If you are unsure of what your life calling is or are trying to better understand what to focus on in life to make the going easier, I encourage you to sign up for a Natal Chart reading (AFTER the corridor of eclipses, of course 🙂

The more aware a person is, the easier it is to go though challenging times in general, especially noticeable during the corridor of eclipses. So, if things have been truthfully feeling normal in your reality these past couple of weeks without anything too heavy, congratulations – this is a direct reflection of the level of your soul’s awareness and the amount of self-work done in the past.

And for those of you, who are not feeling as easy, remember that even the most troublesome times can produce the peace that far outweighs the trials you endure. Everything is a choice.


April - May Astro Transits


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